Meet the Outsiders

“To me fashion has always been more about standing out from the crowd rather than fitting in. Yes, I can appreciate a trend as much as the next girl, but I’ve always found myself pushing the envelope when it comes to my own personal style. In college, I leaned more towards wearing cowboy boots and vintage leather coats than the typical Ugg boots and North Face jackets preferred by many of my peers.  

I’m not ashamed to say that bargain shopping is one of my greatest talents; I inherited my frugalness from my parents. Labels have never meant all that much to me (not that I’d turn down a Burberry trench if offered one!).  Instead, I value uniqueness and the ability of a piece of clothing to transcend time.  I can spend hours in a thrift store rummaging through racks and racks of clothing in hopes of discovering the perfect 70’s era pair of leather boots, or party dress from the 60’s (perfect for channeling one’s inner Betty Draper!).

I’ll admit it: fashion is a guilty pleasure of mine.  But it’s also much more than that - it’s an outward expression of an inward creativity. It allows a person to convey a message, a statement, a feeling…without ever uttering a word. Sometimes it truly is better to be seen, and not heard.” – RL

Rebecca originally hails from McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania.  She has a Bachelor of Science degree from Penn State University and a Master of Health Science degree from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania.  She moved to New York City in 2008 and currently works in health care.
 “When I was 10 my mom bought me a pair of bell-bottom jeans.  They hadn’t yet made their way full circle to where it was acceptable to wear them again, but my mom, predicting a comeback, coaxed me into donning them by regaling me with stories of her youth in a very similar pair.  I knew I’d be made fun of on the playground for such a ridiculous, uncommon garment, and I was, but I wore them until they fell apart – or at least until everyone who made fun of me started wearing them and I could have a good laugh at their unfashionably late uptake.

Despite this small act of fashion non-conformity, I didn’t develop a huge appreciation for fashion until my very early twenties.  I can’t put a finger on what kicked my mind into such a head-space, but I suddenly found myself crazed, possessed by an obsession with the creativity, luxury, and sartorial elegance of the fashion world.  This love became a wish, a goal, and an escape.  (It also turned into an unhealthy addiction to Chanel.)

Since then, I have taken liberties with my own personal style trying to mix the best of thrift store finds and high-end pieces (when my wallet has allowed me such luxury!), and everything in-between.  I scour local consignment shops for their rare, one-of-a-kind merchandise and have been known to spend afternoons in the likes of Holt RenfrewBloomingdales or Bergdorf-Goodman – just being with, breathing the opulence.

I have received many mocking glances and puzzled looks since those bell-bottom days, but my love for fashion and style has never wavered.  I hope you enjoy the pages before you – a sneak peek into our fashion consciousness and life as fashion outsiders in New York City!” - SM

Sam is originally from Toronto, Canada.  She holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree from McMaster University and a Master of Arts degree from Wilfrid Laurier University.  She moved to NYC in 2009 and currently works for an international human rights organization.